Record Dumps

The Record Dumps tasks allows you to select specific fields from a data table to show in a report. The motivation behind creating such as task was to reduce the amount of paper printed and to produce a compact report. See the examples below.


Number of Records

The quantity of records to select.

Field Sample

Uses this field to determine distinct values and selects up to Number of Records.

Types of Dump

  • Nth - Total records / Number of Records = "skip count". This will give a "skip count" within the table. This results in an even sampling of records from the beginning, middle and end of the table.
  • Random - Randomized selection of records.
  • Field Sample - Used in conjunction with the field name entered in the Field Sample setting.
  • All - Entire file.

The first and last record in a table will be selected with the Nth and Random options. This will ensure that you get a sample of any seed or "John Sample" records.


Additional information to appear on record dump reports. Each table can have a different value assigned.

Convert upper lower letters
A small quantity of fields selected, so multiple records fit on one page and two columns. Multiple Records Many fields selected, so one record per page with a two columns wrap. Single Records
Questions about case conversion

Can I change the company name that appears in the report footer?


Yes, the default name is Pre Post Inc. but this can be modified for all reports. Have a look at the tutorial on working with the Record Dumps task.

I would like to email my reports instead of printing. Is this possible?


You can export any reports in Pre Post Office to a number of formats including PDF and HTML. Also you can email directly from within the application. Have a look at Working With Reports.


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