Parse Addresses

The Address Parsing task can handle any number of address fields. These fields can contain address elements in any position. It can also fix common misspellings in city names and format postal codes.

Address Elements That Can be Isolated:

  • Street Addresses
  • City
  • Province or State
  • Postal or Zip Codes
  • Country

Select only the items that you would like to extract.


Fix Common Errors

Corrects misspelled cities and improperly formatted postal codes.

Expand Postal Code

Inserts a space in the postal code making it seven characters.

Types of Addresses

Can be set to Canadian, US or Mixed.

Questions about setting up Pre Post Office

Will Scrubs parse addresses that are floating?


Yes, your address information can be in any number of fields within your database. Have a look at the tutorial on address parsing to see what is possible.


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