What's Included and New - Version

Sieve - Merge Purge

Scrubs - Data Cleansing

Pre Post Office


Addition of SQL Server table type.

Previous version only accepted Text type fields such as VARCHAR and CHAR for the assignment to the Source and Destination Task Items in merge purge tasks.

The Integer type has been added.

Auto Run behavior changed.

A Pre Post Office project can be started from the command line by giving the location of project file and specifying the switch -AUTORUN.

Project Auto Run

This allows other processes such as SQL Server's DTS or SSIS to call Pre Post Office in a manner similar to batch processing.

During a merge purge or merge match run the Status of a task is updated by the application.


This update causes the project to become dirty and requires saving to disk. Now during Auto Run and auto save is automatically carried out. Upon completion of a run the application will send back a return code of 0 (zero) for a successful run or -1 if there were any problems.

Modifications to merge purge Counts reports.

If no duplicates are found during a run the Counts report will still display to show that the process was carried out. As well as showing the number of records used in the Retained column instead of zero.

Merge Match Counts

Additional special characters added to Unique merge purge.

The Unique merge purge did not remove all the special characters before comparing keys.

All special characters are now part of the removal process before comparison is carried out.

Added segmentation of large duplication reports.

Merge purge runs that resulted in a high number of duplicates produced reports that were very large and caused memory expect ions and program failure.

This has been resolved by splitting the reports into segments.

Corrected French language comparison.

The Casing Task allows French accents to be added to your data based on a language field.

Add Language Column

Previously only values starting with 'F' were recognized. The application will now accept values starting with 'f'.

Classification of directional N, S, E, W changed.

The Street Parsing task correctly identifies the directional (N)orth, (S)outh, (E)ast, (W)est as such and not as civic suffixes.

Check for improper module key usage.

The application allowed the pasting of the Internal Module Key into the Usage Key which caused the program to stop working.

Pre Post Office Keys

This has been corrected.