What's Included and New - Version

Sieve - Merge Purge

Scrubs - Data Cleansing

Pre Post Office


Parsing zip plus 4 in address lines.

Zip codes with the plus 4 extension that did not contain a hyphen or space but entered together, nine characters, was not being identified correctly by the address parsing engine. This has been corrected.

Numbered streets incorrectly parsed.

The address parser was not identifying the street number is cases like 'Apt 2301 65 E Station St' as well as numbered streets without the suffix such as '354 5 Ave'. This has been addressed.

Address parsing recognizes more US cities.

Enhanced US city and state recognition with the addition of a new US city table to the main system database.

US Cities Table

Modification and enhancements made to full address parsing.

Parsing algorithm changed to better handle addresses with missing cities, states and provinces.

Casing was not recognizing suffixes stored in surname field.

The upper-lower task was not recognizing suffixes such as Jr. and Sr. which were stored in surname fields.

Case Name Before

The upper-lower casing parser has been enhanced to handle these situations.

Case Name After

Not all U.S. states were being cased correctly.

A few American state names were not being upper lowered correctly. The system tables have been modified and new state names were added.

Upper Lower State Name

Merge Purge Counts report not showing.

When a table with zero records was added to a merge purge task and the Duplication Counts report started an application exception was generated.

This has been corrected.

Unique merge purge reports showing wrong columns.

Unique merge purge Duplication Listing reports was not showing the colored driver band. It was showed and empty Full Name column when the full name parameter was not used.

This has is now cleaned up.

Residential merge matching report inconsistency using surname parameter.

The property of Use Surname in a household merge purge has been removed. Now when this Task Item is add or removed from a merge purge run this is set internally.

Previously when the user did not set this property to True and the surname field was used as a criteria in household merge purge. The Duplication Listing report did not show the Surname column.


This has been corrected.

Dupes Report

Zip and Postal Code label changes.

Changed some labels in the UI that read Postal Code to Postal/Zip Code. This was done so that users are aware that both US and Canadian addresses are supported.